Rabu, 10 November 2010
Mengatasi Masalah Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Error
Pernahkah anda mengalami ketika sedang asyik surfing tiba-tiba muncul kotak dialog “Host Process for Win32 Services Error”, atau yang senada dengan itu? Jengkel?
Yah, ketika pesan seperti itu muncul, biasanya komputer lalu tidak bisa konek ke internet, dan walaupun kita coba untuk men-diskonek koneksi kita, tetap saja tidak bisa konek lagi, kecuali kalau sudah direstart.
Kejadiannya seperti ini:
1. Ketika sedang enak-enaknya surfing di internet, Anda lihat icon Internet tetap terkoneksi di system tray tapi Anda tidak bisa surf, browse atau melakukan apapun.
2. Anda mendapatkan suatu pesan error seperti “Generic Host Process for Win32 Services has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.”
3. Pesan error report tentang kegagalan netapi32.dll dan svchost.exe.
4. Anda mencoba untuk diskonek internet Anda karena tidak aktivitas internet tetapi icon Internet tidak tampak.
5. Anda menerima sebuah pesan error seperti “Your PC has recovered from a serious problem”, dsb.
Lalu bagaimana mengatasi masalah tersebut?
Sebetulnya kalau kotak dialog tersebut dibiarkan tidak ditutup atau ditekan OK, biasanya koneksi kita akan terus berjalan. Jadi jangan kesusu menekan tombol OK di kotak dialog tersebut, tapi sembunyikan saja di tempat yang tidak kelihatan atau tidak menutupi layar, dan koneksipun akan tetap berlanjut. Namun itu biasanya hanya berlangsung beberapa saat saja, dan selang beberapa lama kemudian, layar akan ‘blink’ putih, dan tetap berjalan, tapi koneksi tidak tersambung.
Cara kedua sebetulnya sangat mudah sekali mendapatkan solusinya, yaitu dengan
mencarinya di mbah Google dengan mengetikkan kata kunci “Fix Generic Host”, dan Anda akan menemukan banyak sekali blog yang menulis tentang masalah ini. Diantaranya adalah seperti yang akan diurai berikut ini.
Menutup Port 445:
1. Start Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) dengan meng-klik Start menu, kemudian klik Run.
2. Pada kotak kecil yang terbuka, ketik: regedit kemudian klik OK. Registry Editor sekarang terbuka.
3. Carilah registry berikut:
Di bagian kanan window carilah opsi yg bernama TransportBindName.
Dobel klik angka tersebut, kemudian delete default value, sehingga menjadi kosong (blank value).
Menutup Port 135:
1. 1. Kemudian Anda harus mencari kunci berikut : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\OLE
2. Anda akan melihat sebuah String Value yang bernama : EnableDCOM lalu Set-lah value ke: N (biasanya tertulis Y)
3. Tutuplah Registry Editor. Restart-lah komputer Anda.
Sebelum melakukan perubahan pada registry tersebut, sebaiknya dibackup
terlebih dahulu, karena ada dampak dari perubahan registry tersebut,
seperti koneksi LAN tidak tersambung, dlsb.
Ada 4 solusi baru utk mengatasi Generic Host For Win32 Error di Windows, yang diambil dari Sizlopedia:
Solusi #1:
Klik ‘Run’ dan ketik ‘Regedit’
Klik bagian:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > Browser > Parameters
Carilah dengan mengklik Find kata kunci : IsDomainMaster
dan set
Data: False
Restart PC kamu.
Solusi #2:
Klik ‘Run’ dan ketik ‘cmd’
Tulislah ‘netsh’ di konsol command lalu tekan enter
Kemduian ketik ‘winsock’ dan tekan enter lalu tulis reset
Restart PC Anda.
Solusi #3:
Download LspFix (http://cexx.org/lspfix.htm) dan ikuti langkah-langkah yang diberikan.
Solusi #4:
Download Microsoft Update Patch (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/894391) dan jalankan. “Thanx to Nirmal for this”.
Semoga salah satu dari solusi diatas akan menyelesaikan error yang ada.
Protect share Folder with password in networking
The following approach of password protecting a networked shared folder has been tested from a Windows Vista based client on Windows Server 2003, but given its generic nature on the Microsoft architecture it should as well work on the Server 2008 platform.
Configuring the Server
First of all, you have to enable the Guest account. On the server where the network shared folder is located Go to Start, All Programs, and right-click My Computer. Select Manage. In the console window which opens expand Local Users and Groups. Click on Users and right-click the Guest Account in the right pane.
Click Properties and un-tick Account is disabled. Click OK, then right-click the Guest account again and select Set Password. Enter and confirm the password for the Guest account which will be used to access the network folder you are going to share.
Configuring the Network Shared Folder
Right-Click the folder you want share. Select Properties. Change to the Sharing tab. Select the radio button Share this Folder, and assign a share name (ommit spaces if possible). Hit the Permissions tab and remove any existing group or user names.
Click Add and type Guest in the Enter the object names to select-field. Hit OK. On the Share Permissions tab, select the permission level for your password protect share by ticking Read, Change or Full Control in the Allow column. Click 2 x OK.
Configuring the Client
Client Computers can now connect to the shared folder using the UNC path \\\ and enter the Logon name Guest with the associated password when prompted. Alternatively, users may map a network drive from Windows Explorer with the Connect using a different user name-option on. It is usually a good thing leaving Reconnect at Logon ticked.
The Bottom Line
Using the Guest account to protect a network share works fine as long as you don’t need different passwords. If the default Windows way of sharing networked folders (network shares) by authenticating users with a password and assigning granular permissions to users or groups is not feasible then you might use zipped or compressed objects as outlined in the next parts of this series shoud there be a need for more than one password.
The following approach of password protecting a networked shared folder has been tested from a Windows Vista based client on Windows Server 2003, but given its generic nature on the Microsoft architecture it should as well work on the Server 2008 platform.
Configuring the Server
First of all, you have to enable the Guest account. On the server where the network shared folder is located Go to Start, All Programs, and right-click My Computer. Select Manage. In the console window which opens expand Local Users and Groups. Click on Users and right-click the Guest Account in the right pane.
Click Properties and un-tick Account is disabled. Click OK, then right-click the Guest account again and select Set Password. Enter and confirm the password for the Guest account which will be used to access the network folder you are going to share.
Configuring the Network Shared Folder
Right-Click the folder you want share. Select Properties. Change to the Sharing tab. Select the radio button Share this Folder, and assign a share name (ommit spaces if possible). Hit the Permissions tab and remove any existing group or user names.
Click Add and type Guest in the Enter the object names to select-field. Hit OK. On the Share Permissions tab, select the permission level for your password protect share by ticking Read, Change or Full Control in the Allow column. Click 2 x OK.
Configuring the Client
Client Computers can now connect to the shared folder using the UNC path \\
The Bottom Line
Using the Guest account to protect a network share works fine as long as you don’t need different passwords. If the default Windows way of sharing networked folders (network shares) by authenticating users with a password and assigning granular permissions to users or groups is not feasible then you might use zipped or compressed objects as outlined in the next parts of this series shoud there be a need for more than one password.
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